Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Maddie & More Maddie

My late night blog! 

I'm just going to get really vain and sappy here real fast. I have a great life. I love my life. I have a loving family and a boyfriend who support me in all that I do.  I have beautiful house, never had to go through anything that was  too hard to swallow, I have some amazing friends, a lovable pooch ( I miss my Tink. #foreveradogperson), and the list could go on and on. My life is good. I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot more to look forward to. 

But I have to admit I feel a little guilty for how good I've had it. Everyday some of the girls are looking through the pictures on my phone. Every time they slide to the next image they see more happiness. Happiness that they've never known. 
My Father has never beaten or raped me. I've never had to sell my body to survive. I have always had a house and don't know the first thing about living on the streets. I was able to grow up being a child. I did child-like things and didn't have to think about the unthinkable.  I've never sniffed glue to numb the pain. The pain from the beatings. Pain from hunger. Pain from vulgar words that have become my identity. The pain of being in this dark cycle forever.

I can't even wrap my mind around what these girls have lived through. The ages in the house range from 5-15 years old. I can't help but think about what I did during those years of my life. I was a kid. I did things kids do. Most people who knew me then know that I probably had on overalls that were accompanied by some sort of critter. I enjoyed being outdoors and didn't wear dresses until my mom made me. I had mostly guy friends cause I couldn't stand girl drama and glitter!

Little sister, Clara, on the left and me on the right. Overalls and worms! I was adorable! 

Me and the faithful Golden Retriever! Again, overalls!

(WARNING: boyfriend brag) My parents were never for dating at a young age. We had rules and, honestly, I was okay with them. I didn't want a relationship until I was ready for one. And then came Kyle. We met at a christian conference when a I was twelve. I was the girl who sat in the corner and doodled. Over the years we became best friends. I can't imagine how my life would be without him. He is apart of everything I do even though we have always been long-distance. He is really great. My family loves him and I love his family. He has always cherished me and has never taken advantage of me. The foundation of our relationship is God. No, we aren't perfect. I know, right? Shocker. We have our disagreements but we work through them. Our love is evident.

When the girls see a picture of him they get all giddy. Some of them will spout something off but I don't just want to agree cause I don't know what I'm saying yes to! haha. They make kissy noises and ooh and aw over him. I want so bad to just tell them what love looks like. 

I can't wait for the day when they see their true identity. When love isn't defined by some guy that just wants to have sex with them and doesn't want to pay. When their worth isn't a price tag for the next scumbag. The day when they realize that they are princesses and their prince is waiting for them. 
 There are a lot of deep wounds and memories scarred into their minds. Sharp edges and broken pieces to be smoothed and mended. They are diamonds in the rough. But all of that can be done. It may take a little or a long time. Be praying for healing and restoration for these sweet little hearts. 

Rafaela, Maddie, and Amanda.

-Amanda has been gone for a few days, keep her in your prayers! 

Love these gems!
-Rafaela, Thayanara, Tayana, Amanda, Ryssa, Me, and Ingrid. 

My heart aches for this one. She has run away three times since I've been here and this past time didn't go very well.  Be praying hard for her! She definitely has a sweet spot in my heart! 

Got the ogre under the bridge going. 

Once again, we are posting pictures pretty often on our instagram profiles.  Go check us out! 

You can also check out the Shores Of Grace website to find out more about the mission here in Recife.

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